****The phone lines are at their busiest before 10am therefore if you need an appointment with a member of the nursing team or are calling to book a blood test please call back after 10am.****
****Calling for results? To allow us to better manage demand on our phone lines please can all patients wishing to discuss results call the surgery after 2pm only.****
****Please note we cannot process repeat prescription requests over the phone. Please either use the econsult service via our website homepage or drop in a written request to the surgery.****
****Owing to the number of requests being received we are asking patients to provide 7 days for us to process a prescription rather than the usual 2 working days.****
****We are offering face to face appointments as well as telephone consultations as such if you wish to see a GP for a consultation please do let the reception team know when booking your appointment. Please note a GP may still ask to see you face-to -face following a telephone consultation if they deem it appropriate.****
****Travel vaccinations should be booked with the Surgery at least 6 weeks’ prior to travel.****
To access your GP without visiting the surgery, please use our eConsult service
NHS Wales App
You can also request repeat prescriptions via the new NHS Wales App.
For repeat prescriptions, please use our My Health Online service
To request repeat prescriptions, please use our MHOL service or the NHS Wales App.

***Econsult is only available during surgery hours.***

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St Thomas Green

Ask Us Anything

If you require a home visit, please telephone 01437 762162 before 10.30 a.m. (except in the case of an emergency).

Home visits are offered on clinical need and you may be telephoned by a doctor prior to a visit. One home visit takes the time of at least 5 surgery appointments, so we do ask that patients try to come into the surgery if at all possible.

Telephone numbers that may help to learn more about your out-patient appointment can be found below:

Withybush Hospital: 01437 645545

Tenby Cottage Hospital:  01834 845400

South Pembrokeshire Hospital: 01646 682114


Your results will be reviewed by a clinician once received and where the clinician deems it urgent that they discuss the results with you they will contact you as soon as possible.  Often you will be contacted and asked to make a routine appointment to discuss non urgent matters.  In such cases our admin team will either call you to arrange an appointment or you will be sent a letter inviting you to call the surgery to make an appointment.  If you are concerned that your results have been missed please contact reception after 10am and they will be happy to try to assist you.  Please note that where tests have been requested by a hospital consultant these results will be reported back to the requesting clinician as such you are advised to contact the clinician you are under for these results.

From time to time, you may want advice on a health problem or medication.

You may leave a message for the doctors with the receptionist. The doctor will not be able to speak with you during his/her surgery, as this will disrupt another patient’s consultation.  If the doctor feels that it is necessary to call you he/she may call you back or leave a message with the receptionist.

Your first contact will be with one of our receptionists who endeavour to be courteous at all times.  Please try to be courteous in return, as their job can be very difficult. Your patience and understanding are respectfully requested.

Telephone: 01437 762162

The practice is committed to providing a safe, comfortable environment for staff and patients.  If you would like a chaperone during your consultation, please inform your doctor.  A Practice Nurse or Health Care Assistant will usually act as your chaperone, but on rare occasions a Receptionist may be asked to chaperone.

Self-Referral forms for physiotherapy, podiatry, etc can be found here.

We aim to give a friendly and professional service to all our patients. However, if you have any concerns about any aspect of our service, please let us know. Speak to whomever you feel most comfortable – your GP or Practice Manager, who will be happy to help you. In the majority of cases concerns can be resolved quickly and easily.

We make every effort to give the best service possible to everyone who attends our practice.

However, we are aware that things can go wrong resulting in a patient feeling that they have a genuine cause to raise a concern. If this is so, we would wish for the matter to be settled as quickly, and as amicably, as possible.

To pursue a concern please contact the practice manager who will deal with your concerns appropriately. Further written information is available regarding our concerns procedure from reception.

The surgery is open 8:30 am until 6:00 pm.  The surgery is open throughout lunchtime.  However, our telephone lines are open from 8:00 a.m. until 6:30 p.m.

Outside these hours, on weekends and Bank Holidays please contact Out of Hours on 111.


The surgery will be closed on the following days:

Wednesday December 25, 2024 – Christmas Day

Thursday December 26, 2024 – Boxing Day

Wednesday January 1, 2025 – New Year’s Day

Friday April 18, 2025 – Good Friday

Monday April 21, 2025 – Easter Monday

Monday May 5, 2025 – Early May Bank Holiday

Monday May 26, 2025 – Spring Bank Holiday

Monday August 25, 2025 – Summer Bank Holiday

Monday - Friday
8:30 am - 6:00 pm
Llangwm Surgery Opening Hours
Monday, Wednesday
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Broad Haven Surgery Opening Hours
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
8:30 am - 2:00 pm
9:30 am - 1:00 pm

Opening Hours

The surgery is open 8:30 am until 6:00 pm.  The surgery is open throughout lunchtime.  However, our telephone lines are open from 8:00 a.m. until 6:30 p.m.

Outside these hours, on weekends and Bank Holidays please contact Out of Hours on 111.